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  Researches activities to improve mass producing engines
1- Improving the performance of 4.236 engine cylinder head parts by modification of seat angle of valves. Due to this modification, the problems caused by valves noise and blow-by have been removed.

 2- Trouble shooting of gears noise in Perkins, 900 series engines by modification in the design of timing gears parts.       

 3- Design change of timing case in 1000 series engines according to recommendations of Perkins co.

 4- Trouble shooting of rocker parts assembling processes with modification rocker shaft design at the two ends of rocker shaft part.

 5- Decreasing the seize risk in 4.236 engines by changing the design of piston and the tolerance between piston and liner.

 6- Improving the performance of oil filler parts by changing their material into polyamide.

 7- Changing the method of machining oil pump hub parts in order to prevent tools breakage and depreciation of stepped drills.

 The above mentioned activities are represented as examples and it must be mentioned that the researches are carried out along with continues production process.

 The researches which are in process :

 - Changing the material of liner in order to improve heat transfer from cylinder walls.

 - Changing the valve guide of phaser and 1000 series engines in order to prevent risk of valves seize.